Jacob Sheriff
Disciple. Husband. Father. PastorDisciple
Jacob Sheriff has dedicated his life to being transformed into the likeness of Christ. As a second-generation pastor, he has been blessed to have been introduced to the gospel and a relationship with Jesus from a young age. Jacob has been a part of the pastoral team at Victory Life Church since 2005. He has had such radical encounters with the power of God that seeing people transformed by Jesus has become his life’s mission. He is a Holy Spirit gifted communicator in sharing the truth of the gospel of Jesus.

Husband and Father
The most significant part of the call of God on Jacob’s life is to his incredible wife, Hannah, and their five children. They are committed to raising their children to be disciples of Christ. As a couple they have a heart to see families whole, healed, and serving God generationally. Jacob and Hannah are passionate about seeing families engaged in a healthy community through serving, discipleship, and relationships. They believe a great place to find this is in connecting with a great local church.
Jacob felt the call of God on his life to full-time ministry at the age of 18. He started this through volunteering at his father’s church in the media department. He has since worked as a video editor, media director, dual campus youth pastor, senior youth pastor, teacher and basketball coach, campus pastor, executive pastor, and is now the Senior Executive Pastor of the multi-campus ministry of Victory Life Church. Jacob is a team leader and is a firm believer in leadership development. Jacob has attended, instructed, and coached in several leadership Academies such as First United Bank’s Leadership Development program and Stagen Leadership Academy. Some of Jacob’s greatest influencers are his father (Duane Sheriff), A.W. Tozer, C.S. Lewis, N.T. Wright, and Dallas Willard.

Victory Life Church
Victory Life Church is a multi-campus church, currently a team of 11 campuses across Oklahoma, Texas, and Colorado, along with our Global Community. Extension ministries of Victory Life include Victory Life Academies, Hands of Hope Food Banks, and Victory Life Camp Grounds.